
Showing posts from September, 2023

China, Smart Manufacturing Giant

By Michelo Maunga Within the Zambian context, the People’s Republic of China has featured prominently in recent weeks and months. Beginning with the role of the Chinese in our debt restructuring agreement, to President Hichilema’s just-ended state visit, the all-weather friendship between our two countries is at its strongest. Much has already been written on the results of this trip; my analysis will, therefore, direct the conversation toward a less explored but contemporary aspect of Chinese Industry, specifically, Smart Manufacturing. Before, I delve into this, allow me to provide some context. China has over the years positioned itself as the hub of the world’s manufacturing. Capitalizing on an abundance of cheap labour, having only been recently overtaken by India as the most populous nation, multinationals the world over relocated their production to the East African nation. Added to this was the widespread implementation of Special Economic Zones, further raising the country’s v

The Need for Punctuality

By Michelo Maunga Recently, I attended a bilateral meeting between Zambian and Namibian delegates. This meeting was scheduled to start at 9. I arrived between 8:40-8:45 am, which by my own standards was late. Nonetheless, I arrived before the start of the proceedings. As I entered the Kenneth Kaunda Wing of the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, I noted the demarcation in the seating plan, with the Namibians and Zambians directly facing each other. Unaware of this separation, I noted that one side of the room was nearly full with the opposing end, practically empty. I made my way to the front of the near empty section and took a seat. It was at this point that my lone fellow Zambian mentioned to me that those looking on at us were the Namibians. The Zambian delegation would only be full an hour after the meeting was scheduled to start. I was gravely disappointed. I wondered the impression we created in the Namibians.  This meeting was for the purpose of advancing trade bet