
Showing posts from October, 2022

Music. The Soul’s Language

Music. The language of the soul. Its beauty lies in many things. However, what stands out to me is how it slows things down. Without question what a song will say in a minute will be much briefer than what one can say in the same time. Heavenly, If I am to get religious. The bible talks of singing in heaven. It would not be too much of a stretch to posit that song is embedded in the culture of heaven. It would also not be too much of a stretch to claim when we engage in song, be it listening, performing, producing, we are exercising something divine. Human beings, are an emotional species, in writing this I do concede that nearly every species created by God is emotive, nevertheless, in the workmanship of God, we without doubt posses the most complex emotional repertoire. You may ask why I am talking about emotions. Don’t worry I have not gone off tangent; we are still on music. Music and emotions are intertwined. I am of the view this is why we enjoy or for some love it. It moves some